Order of Fuse Summer Activity Bags at FHES

Summer Activity Bags for Students at Florence Howard Elementary School

Over the past year with social distancing guidelines in place, we implemented a “small groups” format with our member organization, Order of Fuse, in order to allow our members to safely gather together, participate in small networking events, and further our mission through a series of group projects. One of our small groups provided summer activity bags for students at Florence Howard Elementary School. The activity bags were filled with fun toys, games, puzzles, coloring books, and more! The bags gave children the opportunity to entertain themselves in an engaging and stimulating way, especially when sitting at home on a “boring” summer afternoon. 


Order of Fuse New Year

In 2015, Fuse Project established a membership organization called Order of Fuse, a diverse group of young professionals looking to give back to their communities in a unique way. We host a series of social events throughout the year for Order of Fuse members to get to know other difference-makers in our city.  At the end of the year (which runs on an academic calendar), the remaining dues are distributed to community organizations of their choosing through a competitive grant process.

In September, we invited nominees to an informational meeting at Red or White. At this gathering, potential members were able to network with members of our board of directors, and learn more about the mission of Fuse Project and The Historic Avenue Foundation, as well as the goals and benefits of membership with Order of Fuse. We are looking forward to welcoming these new members this fall, bringing them together with our existing members, and seeing what great things this set of difference-makers can accomplish as a group.