Fuse Project

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ABC Program: Inaugural SPARK Summer Camp - Summer 2023

Sparking Learning for Young Minds!

Fuse Project recently concluded its first-ever summer camp, leaving behind a trail of delighted kids and enriched minds. The camp's primary goal was to combat summer learning loss and provide engaging hands-on STEAM learning experiences for students from K4 to Fifth Grade. Thirty eager learners dove into literacy, math, science, and art, creating unforgettable memories along the way.

Throughout the entire camp, students were immersed in stimulating experiences that fused science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics (STEAM) to expand their knowledge and spark curiosity and creativity. These students were thoroughly engaged and enthusiastic about their learning experience. K4 honed their fine motor skills alongside literacy and mathematics through sculpting letters and numbers from play-doh and 2nd- 4th graders actively participated in a book club, delving into a diverse range of literacy skills.

On the first day of SPARK Summer Camp, the atmosphere quickly filled with excitement as Short the Squirrel, Alabama's literacy mascot, took center stage with his surprise guest appearance. Dressed in his adorable costume, Short made quick friends with the students with his charm and enthusiasm. He invited the eager campers to gather around as he opened the day's activities. Short's presence added an extra SPARK to the camp, fostering a love for reading and setting the tone for an summer of learning and fun.

Thanks to The Cookery Project, the camp had master junior chefs in training. Led by Karrie Nelson, two cooking sessions taught the students not only how to create delicious treats but also the science behind various culinary techniques. They learned about measurements, sustainable foods, and the art of presentation, fostering teamwork and friendship among the campers.

During session one, Mrs. Nelson used a traffic light as an illustration of how one can categorize food into healthy and unhealthy categories. For example, tomatoes come from the earth and are considered a green food. However, cheese is not a pure form and is enjoyed in moderation as a yellow food. She explained red foods as being foods that can be unhealthy for us without limits and better enjoyed as occasional treats. The students learned how to follow recipe cards from start to finish. During her first session, she led the students in preparing dill bites served with sliced cucumbers. For the second session, students prepared chicken salad served on lettuce wraps. The students gained a wealth of knowledge during these two sessions and now can prepare a healthy snack and meal with their friends and families. 

Music adds rhythm to life and DJ Rodski brought the energy and the beats to summer camp. During his first visit, DJ Rodski made an engaging introduction, connecting with each student on a personal level by inquiring about their career aspirations. With a captivating personality, he shared his own journey of becoming a local celebrity DJ, inspiring young minds with his passion and dedication to music. To add to the fun, he engaged the campers with trivia and rewarded them with fun prizes. He even donated bluetooth headphones for the camp teachers to use as a prize at the end of camp. 

But the excitement didn't end there! On his second visit, DJ Rodski revealed a surprise — he was on the lookout for some fresh talent to join his DJ team. Eager to give everyone a shot at the spotlight, he hosted “auditions” for the aspiring DJs. Each student had the unique opportunity to don headphones and try their hand at mixing tunes, unlocking their inner creativity and unleashing a world of musical possibilities. One student even showed off her rap skills by adding a little freestyle during her turn. There’s no doubt that these students will remember DJ Rodski and the positivity he brought through the art of music. His visits definitely added a vibrance and connection to the summer camp experience. 

One of our guests captivated the students with some slithering creatures. Haney's Independent Snake Studies gave the students the opportunity to learn about these mesmerizing animals, their habitats, and their vital role in the ecosystem. The session was not only educational but also dispelled misconceptions about snakes, leaving the children with a newfound appreciation for these unique reptiles. They met Calvin, the adventurous California Kingsnake, the main character from a book written by one of Haney's team members, Haley Haney. She debuted her book here by reading to our students.  It was a memorable day that enriched our summer camp experience.

The true essence of the Fuse Project summer camp lies in the hard work and dedication of its incredible staff. We had teachers from Mobile County Public Schools, Saraland City Schools, and future teachers receiving their degrees at University of South Alabama. It was a reminder of the amazing school systems and educational universities we have in our city. These passionate educators brought the camp's vision to life and made sure that every child felt valued and inspired throughout their learning journey. Their commitment and creativity created an environment where kids could thrive, learn, and have fun simultaneously.

The success of this inaugural summer camp would not have been possible without the unwavering support of our host, Lily Baptist, whose shared vision and contributions added to the entire experience. Their commitment to education and community played a pivotal role in making the camp a resounding success.

Fuse Project's inaugural summer camp turned out to be an absolute blast, leaving its mark on the hearts of both students and educators. This unique blend of STEAM learning, creativity, and exploration not only combated summer learning loss but also instilled a lifelong love for learning in the young minds. As the month came to a close, the memories created during this camp will continue to inspire and shape these young learners for years to come. Here's to many more successful summers of learning and fun!